Getting Back in Gear: Plans for the Future with My Writing Career and My Blog

Hey, everyone. JDE here.

As of late, I have been very busy with my side projects, so much so that I’ve haven’t gotten enough time or energy to check in on you guys outside of my “JDE on Medium” segments. Lately, I’ve been so caught up with life that it’s easy to forget about my main writer profile and platform regarding my stories on Amazon. And since it’s the summer rush, I’m very busy with keeping myself occupied with my side projects. But I hope to make some changes very soon as I get back on my feet after spending this weekend with a nasty sinus infection that required bed rest. Even now, I’m feeling stuffed up. Hopefully, I can start creating more blog posts in the future. 

Anyway, I’m still letting the rough draft of “The Beautifully Damned and the Eternally Blessed” rest a little before I get to work with revising and editing before it’s ready for the premiere on Amazon by this holiday season. My main goal for its premiere was originally before Thanksgiving, but I decided to wait until around Christmastime so I could get ready for yet another project from my “Vigilantes Among Us” series. All the same, I want to make sure that my first-ever adult-oriented murder mystery novel is going to be a game-changing experience since it’s likely to be very controversial in more ways than one. I told myself that one day I would write this novel no matter how scandalous the storyline may become and how it might put me in a negative spotlight. I’ve been playing it safe for the longest with family-friendly novellas. It’s time for me to shake things up while showcasing a different side of myself. You might love me or hate me for this, but I’m not backing down. Once the holiday season arrives and I launch this novel, I will be taking the next big leap in my writing career.

As for this blog, there will be some changes coming this fall. Even as I work on my side projects and getting ready to edit my mystery novel, I want to make sure that I enter a new chapter of my life once my birthday arrives and I let go of any and every inhibitions that keep me from my potential. I’ll come clean and say that I’m my worst enemy when it comes to being a creator at times. I strongly believe in the old saying “you’re only as good as your last work,” so I am constantly competing against myself to create something totally new in the literary world whether it’s for my eyes only or ready for the general population or even saved for a special audience in the future. It’s a challenge to get something out because I fear of failure as a writer, of having my grandfather being proven right of me being a writer is not a real career. I want to show him that I am a great artist of words no matter if it’s a success or a failure. But there are certain stories that I can’t show him since he’s a minister and my family’s from a faith-based community. So this year is when I’ll let go all the inhibitions and start coming clean with who I really am to you all. You might give me the hook or the ovation for it, but it is what it is and I am who I can only be. Love me or hate me for it.

With that said, I will be checking in as often as possible, but there are no guarantees at the moment other than the “JDE on Medium” segments. I love you guys so much and I will see you guys later this week!

“JDE on Medium” Segment: Camp NaNoWriMo 2024 and Taking a Chance on Writing My Mystery Novel

The following blog post is now available to read on Medium. To read more of my posts, click here.

Okay, so Camp NaNo is officially underway and back in January, I told myself that this would be the perfect timing to begin writing the murder-mystery novel that I had planned to create back in 2022 before life went to hell in a picnic basket.

Thing is, I had an unfinished outline and it all looked so stale when I first uncovered it. And the beginnings of the first version of the manuscript was not what I wanted to use, though there were salvageable elements. In a way, I was over my head and I was up a creek without a paddle. 

But I also knew that if I didn’t get my dream mystery novel written, then it would never be writtten at all.

So despite personal matters and some health among my other projects that needed my attention, I was hard at work finishing up the outline from February and all of March. At first glance, everything seemed to go smoothly and I was on the verge of getting a nice story going.

But once the time change hit that threw me off schedule and left me sleep deprived, I knew that I was in deep trouble if I didn’t get close to the ending. I had to get things settled with the character list and get as close to the end of the outline as possible. As for the story in general, I’m taking a big risk with creating an edgier storyline that’s not like my family-friendly teen-fiction serials. This story is mainly for the grown and sexy as it features the topics that might get me in hot water for this by my conservative family members (my grandpa in particular since he’s a minister). But I’ve counted the cost and burned all my ships (to coin a phrase from Hernando Cortes) so I can go all the way with writing this story. For the most part, I’m mainly going by intuition as well as the outline that’s 85% finished. And so far, it’s coming up to speed and I intend to see this through whether it’s a natural disaster or a blazing glorious finish worthy for the bookshelves. 

And in case you’re wondering, I will be publishing this through Amazon KDP and have it out for sale by the holiday season (before Thanksgiving week, to say the least). Right now, I’m just having fun with this story and taking things one or two chapters at a time and one paragraph at a time. And hey, maybe this risky journal is going to be the newest thing that I hope everyone will share with their families and friends! The best and only way to find out is to keep writing and let myself throw caution to the wind. So if you’ll excuse me, I have a masterpiece to write!

“JDE on Medium” Segment: Writing My Vulnerabilities

The following blog post is now available to read on my Medium blog page. To read more like this, click here.

If I can step away from my writer persona for a moment?

When it comes to who I see in the mirror, I’ll admit that at times I don’t love who I see.

When I see my reflection in the mirror when I’m in the bathroom, I see a young man with autism who peaked at high school and ended up wasting his whole potential feeling like no one will ever treat him seriously enough. I see a now-paunchy and dorky thirtysomething-year-old neurodivergent young man of color who never felt like he fit in with anyone during his school or even with his family. If anything, there’s been times where I would wish that I could either be someone else or have the ability to take myself out the picture before I was born.

I don’t like my body weight (I feel like I’m a total pig at times). I hate the fact that I haven’t gotten a college degree. I hate the fact that I feel like such a pathetic loser and a disappointment in my mother’s eyes, not to mention feeling like I’m only fit to be a laborer when it comes to my grandfather’s judgmental eyes. I hate the fact that I don’t think I made any progress as a self-published author with few sales and more underused ideas for stories.

Had it not been for the fact that I can’t allow myself to end my life just yet, I would’ve done it by now.

There’s been times that I had to keep my opinions to myself because I don’t feel like no one would dare to listen. I had to put my personal needs to the back-burner so I could put on a brave face and make people happy. But when it comes to me being a writer, I can put on a new persona and dance in a masquerade where no one will see me crying tears of regret. Writing to me is one of the few stress relievers to help me cope through the hard times. I know some of y’all probably won’t bother understanding where I’m coming from because most of y’all see me as a pathetic and jealous wannabe. But this is real, folks. This is the struggle of being an autistic writer of color who still has yet to find himself. And this is one of the main sides of me that will be addressed in the days to come as I work hard to showcase a new side of me. Sue me if you must.

Online Book Tour Day 5: Recapping the Series Order & Mental Flames

Happy Friday, fine friends. It’s JDE here, and the time to wrap up my online book tour has come. It’s amazing how the time can fly by without much warning when one puts his or her mind to work with getting things done. Anyway, here’s a list of my ongoing “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno)” book serials (in the particular order) with links to get my books on Amazon.

1. A Nerd Among Heroes: The Memoir of Xavier Reeves ($12.99/hardcover; $10.99/paperback; and $8.99/ebook). 

2. Nerd of Fire, Rebel of Ice ($18.99/hardcover; $11.99/paperback; $6.99/ebook). 

3. Heart of Inferno: The Rebirth of Skylar McNeal ($13.99/hardcover; $12.99/paperback; $6.99/ebook).

4. The Nerd’s Symphony ($12.99/hardcover; $10.99/paperback; $5.99/ebook)

5. Totally Nerd-Tastic ($13.00/hardcover; $9.99/paperback; $6.99/ebook). 

6. Mental Flames: The Burning Revelations of Skylar McNeal ($17.99/paperback; $12.99/paperback; $5.99/ebook)

As you can tell, I’ve set the pricing for “Mental Flames: the Burning Memories of Skylar McNeal” as listed. And as of now, ebook preorders will be available until the book is launched on Good Friday, so make sure to preorder your ebook copy today so you won’t miss a thing! And be sure to follow me on social media to stay in the know about my journey as a writer and make sure to support me in any way possible. Get my books on Amazon (you can read the ebook version immediately through the Kindle app on your smartphone or tablet) and read them in particular order so you won’t get confused! I promise you all that my series will be on fire!  You’re going to love my stories and what I plan to bring to the table! I guarantee it.

Anyway, I’ll be dropping previews from “Mental Flames” as well as a new article from my “JDE on Medium” segment and plans for my Camp NaNo April 2024 project known as “The Beautifully Damned and the Eternally Blessed!” All that and more are coming your way as March Madness is in full swing! Stick around because you already know that it’s about to go down! Until next time, I’ll holla!

Online Book Tour Day Four: “Totally Nerd-Tastic”

It’s Friday eve, my fine friends! And this online book tour for my “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno” superhero teen fiction serials is coming to an end tomorrow, but not before I give you the fourth book of the “Vigilantes Among Us” series known as “Totally Nerd-Tastic: Loss, Change, and Recovery.” Take a look at this, folks!

The second half of summer vacation is underway in the coastal town of Crystal Pointe; but Xavier’s not going to have it any easier, more so since he’s not only meeting his doppelganger of a teammate but also surprised by the arrival of his favorite godbrother Omarion Hardwick. Add in a family reunion with a few relatives moving in, and you can say that Xavier’s summer is supposed to be full of good surprises. But with his former main bully now escaped from prison and a journal entry from his late sister Coretta that details a tragic moment, Xavier’s summer vacation is going to need a lot of support and inner strength to help him prepare for what’s ahead. And folks, things won’t be easier for him, unless a hail-mary of a plan can finally set Riley Copeland right once and for all.

Totally Nerd-Tastic: Loss, Change, and Recovery” is now available to read on Amazon for $13.00/hardcover, and $9.99/paperback. and $6.99/ebook. But again, guys, you have to read the preceding books in order: “A Nerd among Heroes: The Memoir of Xavier Reeves,” “Nerd of Fire, Rebel of Ice,” and “The Nerd’s Symphony.” I am very meticulous about how I write this series of mine in order so people can understand what’s going on. All the same, you can get my books now, and make sure to leave a comment to let me know what you think. And if you get the ebook version, you can read it on your smartphone and/or tablet through the Kindle app (free on iOS and Android).

Tomorrow, it’s a quick recap for my ongoing books so far and what plans are in place for “Mental Flames: The Burning Revelations of Skylar McNeal (which will be published this month). Until tomorrow, have a Tremendous Thursday!

“JDE on Medium” Segment: Censorship, Art, and My Writing Career

The following blog post can be read on my Medium page. To read more of my content, click here.

Well, folks, March Madness has officially kicked off for this writer.

As the seasons change, I’m constantly surrounded by waves of change within others while I feel like everything for my life is the same. With my writing career, I feel like the more that I play the safer routes- keeping my unrestrained side in the background while sticking to safer topics for public appearances; the less that I am taken seriously as a creator. It’s like I have to dance to everyone else’s tune to make them happy while I have to put myself on hold. Even as I’m doing the April run of Camp NaNoWriMo; it’s like my inner censor wants me to remember my family’s values and how we’re brought up in church to stay in line with what’s expected of me.

It’s little wonder that I feel like I’m not getting any readers nowadays. It’s little wonder that I feel like I can only disguise myself though a pen name and tell stories the way I want to- stories that are forbidden and controversial, the same stories that your grandparents would warn you against reading and yet you read when everyone else is asleep at night. Those are the stories that I write on the sly and keep for my own eyes only or for a special audience in the future.

But this year, I want to try something different for a change, take a different route to show my future readers the true side of JDE. I might catch a lot of heat for doing this, but maybe I don’t want to be silenced by so many voices who think that I should write stories that make them happy or that are perfect for thier people yet never dare to read. I’m a writer AND an artist. Is it so wrong for me to want to step out of line once and a while and dare to be reckless? Is it really a crime to break away from monotony’s black-and-white laws to truly create a 4K Technicolor masterpiece and enjoy it? Or have we artists grown comfortable with staying in the lines and let the cynics and the self-righteous dictate what’s best for the bookshelves lately? With so much of this book banning and avoiding “woke” culture that’s going around, there’s no telling if we’ll end up being in jail for speaking against something that’s not “culture-friendly” or “conservative-appropriate.” And I’m speaking from experience as someone who feels as I’ve been judged for most of my life due to my eccentric ideas.

This year is when I want to truly try something different without feeling like I’m the main character from “The Scarlet Letter.” I want to create and publish tales where it can be okay to venture into the unknown, dabble into genres that can be taboo for some, write about characters with colorful backstories and lifestyles where it’s not right for the religious, and maybe use all of my unspoken words to finally create the masterpiece that truly reflects the unspoken rhapsody from my heart. If that’s too much to ask or if it’s a crime to be that kind of bold as an indie author and artist; then that’s on you because I just want to be me. Sue me if you must! My name is Jarrick D. Exum and I’m done being censored by my past, haters, and myself. And this is the start of showcasing my true self as an artist. This time around, I’m going to be unfiltered, unscripted, and unleashing my inner songs. So I hope you’re ready, because I’m sharing EVERYTHING with you about my creative writing journey and personal matters about me. Let’s go!

This spring, I’m going to go the distance with my journey as a content creator and sharing my more intimate side to you all as I deal with the words that I’ve left unspoken, my unwritten stories, and my deepest confessions. I might catch a lot of heat for doing this, but it’s time that I got real with all of you. This year…I’m going unscripted and off the prompts. This spring, it’s time for the “JDE on Medium” segment to get candid. So I hope you all join me for everything and anything about me. Until next time, my friends!

Online Book Tour Day Three: “Heart of Inferno: The Rebirth of Skylar McNeal” and “The Nerd’s Symphony”

It’s day three of the “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno” superhero-teen-fiction online book tour! And since it’s Hump-Day Wednesday, I figured that today calls for TWO books from my serials. Let’s kick things off with “Heart of Inferno: The Rebirth of Skylar McNeal,” the first installment of the “Heart of Inferno” spinoff trilogy.

My name is Skylar McNeal. Ever since I was born, my life was far from charmed; from being hated for being biracial in a lily-white family with extremist values and living in an extremist town that never appreciated diversity to going to school that’s full of bullies and elitists, I endured it all. But I never expected to die two days shy of my eighteenth birthday and one day from graduation. I knew I wouldn’t be missed by anyone other than my best friend and her family. But there would be no need for an obituary or a funeral, because the day that I died was the day that I finally was reborn into a fiery flame.

Heart of Inferno: The Rebirth of Skylar McNeal” is now available on Amazon for $13.99/hardcover, $12.99/paperback, and $6.99/ebook. And since it’s the first one of the “Heart of Inferno” spinoff trilogy, you an go ahead and catch up with Skylar’s ongoing story before “Mental Flames” drops. 

And now, here’s the summary for “The Nerd’s Symphony,” book three of the “Vigilantes Among Us” serials.

Summer vacation is getting ready to come into full swing, but Xavier Reeves has other fish to fry- from an ornery new teammate to dealing with his personal problems regarding his past. It’s a bit challenging to deal with a lot of heavy emotions.  He has to learn that to truly move forward, he has to step back from the demands and learn to press pause. Because whether or not he likes it, Xavier’s reliving the memories of being  bullied by his school terrorist Riley Copeland.

“The Nerd’s Symphony” is available to read on Amazon for $12.99/hardcover, $10.99/paperback, and $5.99/ebook; but you have to read both “A Nerd among Heroes: The Memoir of Xavier Reeves” and “Nerd of Fire, Rebel of Ice” in that order to truly understand the story. Get those books today and make sure to leave a review to let me know what you think! And if you get the ebook version, you can start reading it on your smartphone or tablet device through the Kindle app (free on iOS and Android).

Tomorrow, it’s time for “Totally Nerd-Tastic” to have its turn in the spotlight before Friday’s review of the pricing and list of books in the “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno” joint serials. For now, make  sure to follow me on social media and stay tuned to this blog for further updates. Later today, it’s a brand new blog post for my “JDE on Medium” segment. Have a Wonderful Wednesday, my fine friends! God bless you!

March Madness: A Month of Plans, Preparations, and “Mental Flames”

Happy March Madness, fine friends! 

The last two months have been rather lackluster other than my blog posts from my Medium page (which will be known as “JDE on Medium” beginning today), so I am going to rectify that with some new developments that’s been made. First off, this month will be when “Mental Flames: The Burning Memories of Skylar McNeal (the second installment of my “Heart of Inferno” spinoff trilogy) will be launched, and during the Easter weekend, no less! And as of yesterday, I have officially finished the publication process for the book through Amazon KDP with the paperback, hardcover, and ebook versions formatted and ready to go. If all goes well, then you can expect to see the announcement for the ebook version that’s available for pre-ordering and the other two versions with the ebook version set to launch on Amazon on March 29th (Good Friday). 

On Monday, I will begin yet another online book tour featuring the books in the “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno” superhero teen fiction series to recap you with the storylines so far. I want to make sure that you guys get a copy of all my books AND even gift copies to your superhero fan in your lives. So make sure to check me out on Amazon right now and be sure to follow me on social media (click on the “Links” page) so you won’t miss a thing.

Not only that, this month is when I get more personal about my writing career through my “JDE on Medium” segments that feature my candid look on my creative process and what it means to be a neurodivergent writer of color. I’m not going to lie, I felt like I hold myself back with these kind of posts and I think that it needs to be said regarding my creative outlook. So don’t be surprised when I start letting down my walls and show a more…deeper side of myself to you. This year is bound to be full of challenges for me as I continue my writing career and it’s time that I got real with you on this. All I ask of you is to never judge me on what I have to say because that’s how I usually feel when I try to put myself out there.

Finally, I’m going to share my journey for  the April run of Camp NaNoWriMo as I get things ready for the first draft of “The Beautifully Damned and the Eternally Blessed,” my first adult-themed mystery novel that’s going to take an edgier and realistic turn from my family-friendly series. I’ll showcase my feelings and thoughts while I get the outline all set while letting you know what to expect. This year is when I’ll be expanding my horizons and trying something different. Because sometimes, a writer has to set course for unchartered waters and take a walk on the wild side. And despite my inner censor telling me to play it safe and stick with what I know, I’m going to unleash my inner Mad Hatter and show you guys my version of Wonderland.

All that and more are coming your way for this month, and I intend to go the distance and then some! Get ready, folks, because you’re in for one wild ride. Until tomorrow, have a great weekend!

Camp NaNoWriMo, Story Reveals,  Plans for March Madness, and Daring to Be Bold

Hey, folks! JDE here. As you know, Camp NaNoWriMo is a time set in April and July to work on a special project in 30 days where you can set your goals for how things are done. For me, this year is all about making waves with new ideas and continuing to reinvent my writing career. Now, I know things have been stale with my radio silence as of lately; but when it comes to March Madness and my ongoing writing career, this is primetime to get things rolling once again. And what better way to do that than not only launch “Mental Flames: The Burning Memories of Skylar McNeal (book two of my “Heart of Inferno” spinoff trilogy)” this month but also do another online book tour to promote my books AND announce my first-ever adult-themed murder-mystery novel?! 

That’s right! My Camp NaNoWriMo project is a mystery/thriller novel based on art, fashion, secrets, scandals, family, and murders most foul! And I have for you the summary of my project right now! Ladies and gentlemen, here is what you can expect for “The Beautifully Damned and the Eternally Blessed!”

Derrick Booker. Talented artist, skilled designer, murder victim.

With a strained relationship with his parents and older sister, a toxic relationship with his arranged fiancee that led to her being jilted at the altar, and an unsteady friendship with his godbrother; there’s little wonder on who would want him dead the most, especially when the suspects (including his business rival Wendy Daimler) were home yet could hire an assassin to take him out- all while establishing a tight-knit alibi.

His younger sister Jana, the only sane one in the family and the only one whom he never met, was supposed to meet him for the first time on the day he was killed. So now, under his guidance and the accompaniment of one of his trusted investigators, she has to figure out who wanted him dead while figuring out his secrets of the past- secrets that involve illicit affairs, him being emotionally abused by his parents, and a final painting and showstopping dress that tie into this mystery. But the suspects (and Jana’s parents as well as her wandering ex-fiance) all but demand for her to drop the mystery and be  forced into a marriage that she no longer wants. And there’s still the killer who plans to upend the mystery by any means necessary.

Can Jana figure out who wanted to end her brother’s life, preserve her brother’s legacy, and present his final collections for the fashion show in time while trying not to fall for the hunky detective? And can she find her voice to stop her parents and sister’s controlling demands? Or will everything be burned to nothingness before she had a proper chance?

This project of mine is set to begin in April of 2024 as I intend to use April as a way to share previews of this novel alongside the progress of the story with character backgrounds, confessions of what this project means to me, and other things that are on my mind. I will admit that this is the first time sharing a project that’s not from my usual family-friendly repertoire, but I told myself last year that I want to try expanding my horizons and showcase something more daring and bold about my creative flow. To be honest, I felt like I had to stifle my creativity to appeal to you guys who are more conservative and would see me differently if I tried to go beyond my comfort zone. But 2024  for me is a year of revelations, revolutions, innovations, and resolutions. I want to try something edgy and real to see what it’s like to be…well, wicked. It’s a bit scandalous, I know, but I guess I’m tired of playing it safe and going nowhere. You guys probably won’t understand given that I was from a conservative family and all. But as an artist in general, I believe in cutting losses and taking a chance to try something different. And if it means doing something out of the ordinary, so be it. I am a writer in my own way. Sue me if you must.

Anyway, next week is the online book tour for the “Vigilantes Among Us/Heart of Inferno” serials as I begin the publishing stages for “Mental Flames” with an announcement for when you can preorder the ebook version soon to come after that and an updated pricing list for the books. Stick around, folks, because March Madness is close at hand. And this time, it’s time for me to unleash my inner Mad Hatter and walk on the wild side! Until next week, people, I will see you later! 

The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Hello, everyone!

With today being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, most government offices and schools are closed to commemorate the holiday as people remember the life and legacy of the civil rights activist who fought to end segregation and racism. Though there’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure equal rights are available to people from ALL walks of life, I still believe that there will be a day where hatred will be eradicated and everyone will only be judged by their character. Freedom for all is coming tomorrow, my fine people. Imagine what a world it can be like once people can stop with the bais and systematic racism. I end this simple blog post with a quote from one of my favorite musician group: “If everyone cared and nobody cried. If everyone loved and nobody lied. If everyone shared and swallowed their pride, then we’d see the day that nobody died.” Remember those words, my friends. If we learned to love, give freely and generously, and swallowed their arrogance; imagine what a world of prosperity, harmony, and love it can be like for our future generations! God bless you all and I hope you all have a fabulous day!